
Friday, April 15, 2011

Just comes back blogging again~

Now i already in final semester...
in the battle of my FINAL examination... will graduate end of this months...

A lot of story happens during my time here..
hoy, sadness, love, friendships.. most of all, I've learned to take care all my precious things around me and make use it as good as possible.. ^^

here i also found my love... but then i realize that it not a good thing when u get into a relationship when u are still studying... it makes me out of control.. for my study of even for my life here.. so i tell myself..
"don't get in any relationship when you're still studying, there's much time to get one when you get out of here"

now i still wondering what i want to do after i graduate... not that i'm not ambitious of anything.. actually i want to further my study.. but i also want to get a job soon after i graduate.. to help my family i think so..
so i really have a lot to think of.. so it end here today... get back to my study..

p/s: wish me a very good luck for my final exam.. ^^


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